Monday, December 22, 2008

Don't Judge the Book by it's Cover

I started reading the book "The Alchemy". Looking at the yellowish-sepia-colored cover i thought that it would be a 'not-my-interest-kind' of book. I don't feel that instant urge to start reading it but i just kinda force myself knowing that it's our assigment for discussion come school time next year. But as i browse and partially read the Author's Introduction, i would say that i misjudged the book.

I found his observation regarding life's obstacles to pursue our dream is quite true; childhood/family influence; misplaced love; fear of defeat; and the fear of realizing the dream.

I promise myself that i WILL finish this book and i WILL pick as many golden nuggets as much as i can and apply it in my life as i pursue my dream of cooking good food and serving it to the world!

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