Sunday, February 1, 2009

Why is Jesus Being Put in a Manger?

Jehovah did something miracle. He took the life of His son from heaven and put it inside Mary. As a result, Jesus began to grow inside of Mary just as other babies grow inside of their mothers.
When the time came for Jesus to be born, Mary and Joseph were visiting the city of Bethlehem. But it was a full of people. They had to stay in a place where animals were kept. There Mary gave birth, and Jesus was put in a manger. A manger is a place that holds feed for cows and other animals to eat.

The angel said at Luke 2:10, 11: 'Look! I am telling you good news that will make people happy. Today someone was born who will save the people. Suddenly, other angels in heaven joined the first angel in praising God. 'Glory to God', the angel sang "and upon earth peace among men of goodwill". We can read that at Luke 2: 12-24.

Later, Joseph amd Mary took Jesus to the city of Nazareth. That is where Jesus grew up. When he was grown, he began his great teaching work. Jesus was willing to do work because Jesus loved his heavenly Father very much.

I want my baby to please Jehovah God too when he grow up..

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