Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Way To Be Happy

Though feeling tired and sleepy I've read to my baby the way to be happy.

Yes, we ALL like to be happy but not many people really are. Why?

Because they have not learned the secret of happiness. Some think that getting a lot of things is the way to be happy. But when they get these things, their happiness does not last.

The Great Teacher said in Acts 20:35-"There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving." This is the way to be happy, it is by giving things to others and by doing things for them.

There are many ways in which we can give. If we give because we really want to, we will be happy. That is why Jesus tells us "Practice giving". If we do, we will be making other people happy. And we will be the happiest of all!.

I'll take a rest early because my baby is not moving. maybe I'm feeling tired and sleepy. I need to wake up early..

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