Friday, February 20, 2009

Should We Brag About Anything?

Have you ever tried to do something that you are not very good at? Maybe you tried to skip rope. Did anyone say, "Ha! Ha! Ha! I can do that better than you can"? Or "I'm better than you".

That person was bragging. Well, many people are like that. They would brag, or boast, about themselves and look down on everyone else.

When Jesus told his apostles that they would leave him when he was arrested, Peter bragged:'Even if everyone else leaves you, I never will!' But Peter was wrong. He was too sure of himself. He did leave Jesus. Read all the story in the Bible in Matthew 26:31-33.

Maybe some people are stronger than others but it is not the reason to be brag. The lesson for this is never think that you are good more than anyone else.

Always remember Jesus' words: 'Just as you want other people to do to you, do the same way to them.'

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