Saturday, January 31, 2009

"This is my Son"

Jehovah has a Son. His name is Jesus. According to the Bible, Jesus is the 'Firstborn of all creation' meaning he is the First spirit creature directly created by Jehovah ( Colossians 1:15 ). All other creations were created thru Jesus.

When describing the events leading to the creation of the first man Adam, the Genesis account stated that God said; "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness". This is one proof that all creations, spirit and physical, were created with Jesus as the 'Master Worker' of God. Hence, Jehovah God is the Father and Jesus Christ is the beloved Son.

Although these truths are for the mature minds, I will inculcate them to my baby as early as possible so that he/she will become a God-fearing person later.

Friday, January 30, 2009


God's personal name is Jehovah. It is the English pronunciation of the Hebrew word YHWH or more popularly known as the Tetragramaton. In the oldest manuscripts available, the name Jehovah appears more than 7,000 times in the whole Bible (consisting of 66 books). It can be found in Psalms 83:18; Exodus 6:2,3; and Jeremiah 10:10 as an example.

When he was on earth, Jesus Christ made well-known the name of Jehovah as recorded in John 17:26. If all the creations in the universe has a name, would it surprise us that the Maker of all things has a name also?

Yes, God has a personal name - Jehovah. It is the name of the most important personage of the whole universe. And it is to Him alone we should render honor, sacred service, reverence and worship.

These are the truths that I read to my baby today.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


what I read today to my baby is one of the most basic truth anyone should know.

Everything in this world and everything in the universe has a name. A name distinguishes one from the other. From the smallest of bacteria to the colossal stars, they all have names. In Psalms 147:4, it says, "He is counting the number of the stars; All of them he calls by name."

The astronomers calculate that there are about 50 billion stars in our galaxy alone and there are hundreds of thousands to millions of galaxies spread out there. Isn't it amazing that God calls each one of them by name?

If all of God's creation has a name, don't you think that He also has a name?

What is God's name?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Letter From A Loving God

To understand how God uses his servants on earth of writing of the Bible, consider this. When we hear the voice of someone on the radio, the voice may come from a person who is far away. When we watch television, we can even see pictures of people in other countries of the world, and we can hear what they are saying.

Men can even go all the way to the moon in their spaceships, and they send messages back to the earth from there. If men can do that, can God send messages fro heaven? Of course he can! And he did it long before men had radio or television..

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What i read today...

Right now i'm reading the page 16 of the book " Learn from the Great Teacher" for my baby. It says that the Bible is a letter from our Loving God.

Many people are not comfortable with the idea that God would write a letter for us. When we buy something like an appliances, computers or an automobile, part of the package is the instruction manual to guide us on how to use it optimally, how to prolong it's life span and what to do in cases of trouble or malfunction. Isn't it reasonable to conclude that God would also make an 'instruction manual' for us to know how to use our lives, what is it's purpose and what to do of life's crisis?

Tomorrow the topic would be, How did God do that? Whom does He use as secretaries?

Monday, January 26, 2009

As early as possible...

This week we started to do the lifetime project of rearing our child. Surprised? Nope, according to child psychologists and the advocates of infant education. According to their studies backed by decades of research, an infant inside the womb can be influenced by outside sensations as early as three months. The baby is now going 5 and we thought it would be a right time to read something for him/her anytime of the day although before bedtime is the ideal.

We read the book "Learn from the Great Teacher", it was published by Jehovah's Witnesses in 2003 and it is designed to help parent/s and parent-to-be teach timeless biblical principles that will helped them grow up with proper values, good manners, God-fearing and a useful member of society.We hope that the principles learned will also guide him/her throughout the phases of life.

We implore God's blessing in our humble efforts.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Sorry! I can't blog right now. I need to finish my homework in lab.

Good night!.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

How's that...

After the completion of Mid-Term exam this past week, a period of relief sets in. I have the opportunity to scan my workstation (computer) to refresh and clean it from the accumulated virus & cookies that may interfere it's optimum performance. Quite an analogy for our physical, emotional and spiritual health that needs a system check from time to time to cleanse itself from the debris and scars of bad sectors.
I find a time too in practicing my chicken deboning skills, stock-making and entertaining my long-ago friends at the same time who visit me today just to see how i look like with an excess baggage.
Somehow it made my day so worthy.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Midterm Exam

Last night I did my midterm exam until 12 midnight, I thought I will not gonna make it! I'm in a hurry because when I get home from school yesterday I just rest for a while and went straight to my Dentist 'cause it's my appointment.

After resting a bit we went to our Kingdom Hall. We spent 2 hours there and after the meeting we talked to our brothers and sisters for a while. We always do this every Thursday night. We arrived at around 10pm, ate a little and then I started making my midterm exam..

That's all. Have a nice sleep!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Everyday I have to face challenges. In school, I need to have strength to walk in the stairs. In math subject, (Oh my)! I need to be patient learning those numbers.. In culinary laboratory I need to concentrate to the task they assigned. (thank God they allow me to seat in my own chair)!. During classes I need to wait a long hours, a minimum of 2 hours to finish 1 subject..

But the good thing is when my hubby pick me up at the school and smiled at me, it fades all the burden..

And when I'm at home I need to be more careful in treating with my employees because they will abuse me if I will get too close to them. In my pregnancy, I need to be more careful of what should I put into my mouth and always nurture a positive outlook for my baby to become healthy, happy and well-rounded emotionally...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

High and Low

I felt good today because i got a good grade in Culinary class. I didn't expect it because my classmates are good. Also this evening i am visited by my high school friends to see how am i doing with my pregnancy, its kind of reunion for the four original members of our group. It's fun to see them again, even though we have our own different lives now, our friendship remains.

It uplifts my spirit to get through the lowdown of mathematic subject.

Friendship is one of those things that money can't buy.

If only the mathematics subject is one of my friends.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Today is the first day of school tests for our mid-term examination. I barely survive the day because of my reduced strength after a series of less than necessary sleep.

Hopefully tomorrow will be different for tomorrow would be another day.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Continuation of The Curious Case OF Benjamin Button

So when Daisy getting older and Benjamin getting younger, they meet again, fell in love and had a child. But Benjamin left Daisy and her child realizing that his health are getting more complicated until Daisy get married to another man while Benjamin gradually becomes a baby.
And Daisy took care of him until Benjamin died in her arms.

That's the end of the story. For me it is highly recommended..

It is a poignant tale of love, life and time.

Watch it!

Friday, January 16, 2009

New Fridays

Instead of Saturdays, we reset our weekly Watchtower Study to Friday. Tis' the first time of those Fridays.
Tonight we consider a very nice article about why some stray away from the congregation and how they can be helped to come back. Jesus Christ parable of the Prodigal Son is a classic illustration of how God reacts to every sinner who repents and turn away from a course that displeases Him.
It was truly a heartwarming and touching topic to consider since in one way or another we sometimes are led astray by normal 'anxieties of life', stumbled to teachings, or involved in improper conduct that cost us our relationship with Jehovah.
Our study ended with not a few were in tears for each one of us or some members of our immediate family where in such predicament.

Looking forward for the next Friday...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A good one

This week's school activities is quite good. I am adjusting to the routines of the school and i'm grateful that it came much earlier than I thought. Also my discomforts are subsiding although it came quite late if my doctor was right.

The weather is good and contributes to my positive disposition.

Right now I am listening to Kingdom Melodies, the music that we used in our worship conducted by an orchestra. They're good pieces and would relieve my accumulated stress. I am hoping that it's soft melody can reach my baby's ear and relax him/her also.

My baby is frequently active these days.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

3rd day of the week..

Up until now i'm not yet finished making my movie review. I thought this day is my free day so i rested for a long hours but my classmate asked about our subject to study for tomorrow and i remembered that we need to answer the activity questions from the book..

I wanna sleep!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Benjamin Button...later

I will intentionally postpone my reactions to Benjamin Button because I am busy preparing for my exams tomorrow. Hopefully it will be fine also just like my performance today in Laboratory class.

I am also hopeful about the accomodation the School will be giving me for my request for an extra consideration in Class activities as I am heavy with my baby. Whatever their response will be a precedent to future enrollees who might be in the same circumstance with me.

We all want to be in an Institution who have the reputation for being 'humane', fair and reasonable.

Monday, January 12, 2009

First Day Of The Week..

Honey and I watched the film "The curious case of Benjamin Button at Shangrila Mall. It's not a usual story. Benjamin was born in unusual circumstances. He looks like an old man and looks like a monster. Unaccepted, his father left him at the Home for the Aged. And the lady administrator Quenie took care of him and raised him like her own child. To Benjamin she was his 'mother'. It's hard for a boy that look like an octagenarian to mingle with other kids..

He met Daisy and they became friends until Benjamin left to work as a sailor man. They promised each other to communicate even if they far apart. When both of them are at the crossroads of their ages, Daisy getting older and Benjamin getting younger, they fell inlove and had a child.

Well, that's it for now, hehe...more on this later.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


It's sunday again! Our meeting started at 9 o'clock this morning and we discussed about how we can help those who have strayed and need help to return to the flock by offering encouragement and spiritual aid to our brothers and sisters.

We had also a missionary from micronesia and he tell us how they fare in their new territory hundreds of miles away from the comforts of their homes, all for the sake of spreading the good news of God's Kingdom. We were encouraged by their experiences.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Because we don't have assignments, ti's a Saturday that we spend on doing some usual chores and backlogs from last year must-do's.

My mother visited us and she brought us live chickens as 'pasalubong"! In this Internet Age, bringing live chickens as gifts is still alive culturally, would you believe???????

Anyway, we have a good time to spend together and happy to see that she recovered from an ovarian operation just months ago. Quite a feat for someone who is 62 years old already!

Friday, January 9, 2009


Yehey! I got 10 SA hours today. I only have 71 hours left to take until the end of our class this summer. I also got numbness on my foot and on my hands though, as my reward huhuhu..

Well, it's ok. I enjoyed bonding with my classmates and with our chef.
It was just a light Student Assistance hours..

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Our current class schedule is until Thursday every week. It's good because i can rest, do my asignment, or pile up my hours doing Student Assistance.

This Thursday however is particularly good because i submitted my video presentations
and got good grades out of it. Physically permitting, I hope to continue my good streak to compensate for my so-so performance last year.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I like Wednesdays because that means a school week is about to pass! Plus the schedule is quite okay, it's kinda short. Not that i don't like long hours of school, but in my physical limitation now everything that is light and short will be appreciated greatly.

I know some of my Instructors in the Academy are expecting more from me but i just can't right now. But after this pregnancy, i will catch up and show you what i can do!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pay the Price..

That's what a reality in life. If somebody wants to reach her/his dreams, she or he needs to "burn his eyebrows" a Filipino saying for the students..

Yes, that' what i'm doing right now. A lot of pressure everyday both physical and mental stressed but I really want to become a Chef someday..

I will live my Personal Legend.

Monday, January 5, 2009

just senti..

I just want to thank my husband for taking care of me everytime. He is so kind and i'm so much blessed! For almost 12 years of marriage inspite of indifferences and still adjusting with each other, we are both enjoying our company..

I love him so much and i will spend my time thru the rest of my life because He complete me!..
He he, i'm just happy and senti..

Sunday, January 4, 2009

What we learned today

This morning we have the privileged to attend our Sunday Meeting wherein we discussed about how we can give our best to our Loving God, Jehovah.

We learned that we need to use our time wisely-not spending too much time on TV, surfing the Net or using our celfones-or any distraction that this world has been offering.

Though we're busy on legitimate concerns of our daily lives, the servants of Jehovah need to have time to read the Bible daily, Prayer, prepare for Christian meetings and to spend more time in preaching work.

These things can strenghthen our faith to be able to ward off Satan's attacks and can help us in line to receive God's blessings today and in the very near future, the real life- the everlasting life on earth.
This good news is what we are telling to our neighbors when we go to house-to-house.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Fireworks & Explosives in the eyes of a Dog

After the noise of the New Year celebration has died down, my dog breathe a heavy sigh of relief. You see Rambo is angry to all kinds of sound explosions that makes him weary for the past days for it deprived him of good night sleep. He looks depressed, tired and weary.

We don't know how other dogs fare during this kind of festivities. How are they going to recover from these stress is something worth contemplating. How do they de-stressed themselves? How do they release the tension? Will it reflect in their health or well-being?

Friday, January 2, 2009

It's over..

happy days are over.. my staff' arrives today and they will start working tomorrow.. and me, not yet done with my homework, hehe..

I'm a bit lazy today. I just started doing my assignment lately this afternoon. I just ate mango from zamboanga. it's a different mango, it is big, it's smells like a durian but if you taste it, it is the same like what i used to eat.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I did

What i did today was study, study and study some more. Our mid-term is fast approaching so i better be prepared.

I also have the opportunity to practice cleaning the Tilapia and Squid, our lunch menu, in preparation for our Culinary Lab this coming Tuesday.

I cooked our Lunch and Dinner for us three as we're the only left for everybody is on vacation.

Tonight, i need to study, study and study some more...